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Susi Givens, a thirty-seven-year-old woman with two children, was horseback riding one day when a snake startled her horse

In this assignment, you will compose an essay in favor or, in contest of, the physician’s decision to treat the patient.


Identify personal beliefs and attitudes related to diversity.
Compare the cultural composition of the United States today to projections for the future.
Identify the characteristics of cultural competence in the health care setting
Describe the implications for providers in dealing with the stress of racism.
Examine the dimensions of culture and a sampling of current public health challenges.
Explore common psychological characteristics and experiences of culturally diverse clients
Identify issues of gender and relationship diversity that must be considered in dealing with patients and families
Describe the relationship of etiology to morality (and Stigma) in cultural beliefs and practices related to health
List at least three standards set by the Office of Minority Health for culturally and linguistically appropriate services (CLAS) in health care
Explore some tools and Perspectives for Understanding the Relationship between Culture and Health
Recognize cultural, religious and psychological issues that must be considered in meeting Hispanic/Latino/a American client and family needs
Identify cultural practices that may influence health care for Hispanic/Latino/a American populations

Step 1: Research state laws, and any federal laws if applicable, regarding treatment against religious based medical decisions.
Step 2: Determine, through professional research, if you believe the physician’s actions were medically justified, knowing the patient most likely would have died without treatment. OR, if you believe the legal outcome was justified for the patient and the doctor’s decision was a gross medical error.
Step 3: Discuss the outcome you believe would have occurred had the doctor not ordered the transfusion (outside of the patient dying).
Step 3: Compile your research and create a professional paper that adheres to APA guidelines.
Step 4:Ensure you are researching only scholarly works. It is recommended to use Concorde’s Online Library: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Links to an external site.
Step 5:You must have at least five (5) outside resources. Wikipedia is not an acceptable reference.
Step 5: Save and submit your assignment.

Susi Givens, a thirty-seven-year-old woman with two children, was horseback riding one day when a snake startled her horse. She was thrown off and landed on a stump, resulting in massive internal injuries. She was rushed to the hospital, where the surgical team discovered that there was a large amount of blood in her abdomen and that she needed to have a kidney removed.

Mrs. Givens had a medical alert card identifying her as a Jehovah’s Witness and stating that under no circumstances was she to receive blood. Her physician knew this but felt impelled by his oath to save lives to give her a blood transfusion. The hospital was unable to locate her husband, so the physician decided to transfuse her.

His actions saved her life; however, she was not grateful. She sued her doctor for assault and battery and won a $20,000 settlement.

Assignment Submission:

The use of outside resources is required and all papers must be cited and written in APA format.